Wednesday, October 20, 2010

University senates have no bite

A UNIVERSITY Senate (consisting mostly of deans who are academics) helps with the governing of faculties and academic matters.

Academics however, are convinced that the actual power is not with the senate but with the varsity’s management.

Since it controls funds, those who are part of the management have the power and ultimate say in deciding where the funds should go to ensure their institution is among, if not, the best.

The varsity’s management will put forth the argument that since the bulk of funds come from the government, it is accountable to the government and not the academics, who are represented by the senate.

Like many other organisations, a university functions with limited resources.

To be effectively managed, these resources have to be centralised before being disbursed to respective faculties, centres and divisions.

Much of the funds is allocated towards the salary of staff members including the academics.

Centres of excellence

Of late there has been an increase in centres of excellence created by universities to promote their relevant expertise and fields of study as warranted by the industries.

The centres are to be staffed by academics who are there on secondment as administrators from other faculties.

These academics have their teaching load reduced to enable them to carry out their duties in the centres effectively.

To solve the work load left by these academics, those who do not hold any administrative positions are asked to help out by taking in more students into their respective classes.

There seems to be no choice. It takes time to recruit a new academician and to find the right one as good as the one who is seconded.

Administrative positions are held on rotational basis and seem to carry more weight, which is why it appeals to some academics.

Moreover, it is a convenient excuse used by the academics when they fail to present writings and research.

So, some may try their best to be appointed, and will try to hold on to their posts for as long as possible.

Holding on to the position over a long period of time can be detrimental to an institution of higher learning.

Ascendancy to excellence is never by accident. It has to be a system that has to be both strict and fair to all concerned.

If an institution wants to remain at the top, it has to have a gauging system of high quality, respected by others as fair and just.

Years ago there was no quarrel because the voice of the academics was powerful and the management listened to them on how best to produce good graduates needed by the nation.

The management was always there to lend support as an auxiliary force.

Now, the roles are reversed. It is the management that is becoming more powerful and the academics are just the followers.

To the students, the best academics are the most enthusiastic, constantly updating them with relevant facts, figures and events.

The academics, in turn, are constantly seeking to upgrade their knowledge without seeking favours or expecting a lesser workload from the the management.

Their pride is in their work in the form of publications, presentations and research papers.

Is it not ironic that despite doing so much, the academics are at the mercy of the varsity management?

Role of managers

What do university managers do?

No one denies that managers are expected to manage and become effective managers with the regular courses they attend to upgrade their skills.

The performance indicators are a good way to gauge their competence.

My point is that the university management should not be headed by academics.

Academics are not trained to do managerial tasks.

They will be able to discharge the delegated duties only satisfactorily.

True, those seconded are taught the techniques of administration through courses given, but their minds have been trained as specialists in their chosen fields and subjects through years of study from graduate to postgraduate levels.

Consider the tasks academics who hold administrative posts have to carry out, like managing budget, planning tasks and projects, developing strategies and other cost-effective actions.

It is impossible. They cannot see the relationship of the tasks delegated to them with the long-term needs of research and teaching of which they are trained to do.

If there is anyone among them who performs well, it is only a relative comparison among the mediocre. He is thus made to look good.

This will not be the case with the manager whose duty is to ensure that all rules drafted are followed accordingly and in accordance with government policy.

Who bears the blame for the poor preparation of a task in a faculty or a centre? It is none other than the academic.

They face the risk in the preparation and the execution of tasks, but with no power to see that they are implemented effectively.

The management has the power, but more often than not, none of the blame.

The writer is an associate professor in management at a local university.

He can be contacted at his e-mail address:

Selamat Bersara Tuan Haji Suib Maulud_Pendaftar UMT(1997-2010)

Selamat bersara kepada Tuan Haji Suib Maulud, Pendaftar UMT (1997-2010).
Jasa dan sumbangan Tuan Haji di universiti akan digunakan sebagai panduan kepada warga UMT.

Jutaan Terima kasih dan Jasamu akan dikenang selamanya.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Ramadhan Mubarak

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Mubarak..Mudahan2an Manjadi Muslim Sejati

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Apa sebenar penarafan universiti sedunia?

Apa sebenar penarafan universiti sedunia?

Debat tentang penarafan universiti sedunia sedang semakin hangat, khususnya sejak Phil Baty dari Times Higher Education World University Rankings dan Times Higher Education (THE) magazine baru-baru ini mengaku bahawa penarafan dari THE selama ini mempunyai beberapa masalah besar dan oleh kerana itu tidak sah.

Sayang sekali, sebelum pengakuan yang mengejutkan itu dibuat, sejumlah universiti di seluruh dunia termasuk di Malaysia, selama ini ditipu oleh data-data yang tidak sah itu. Oleh kerana mereka percaya pada data-data penarafan universiti sedunia itu, banyak wang dikeluarkan untuk 'naik' dalam penarafan yang digembar-gemburkan itu, termasuk untuk meningkatkan jumlah pensyarah 'antarabangsa.'

Beberapa hari lalu Nunzio Quacquarelli, Pengarah Urusan Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), pula mengatakan bahawa "Apa yang mengejutkan ialah kecenderungan pemimpin universiti dan kerajaan menggunakan ranking untuk menentukan sasaran strategik."

Namun, kejutan demi kejutan bahawa penarafan THE dan QS itu palsu mungkin juga membawa untung. Kini kita semua boleh merenung kembali mengapa sebenarnya penarafan universiti sedunia seperti yang dilakukan oleh THE dan QS boleh menjadi begitu penting dalam kurun waktu beberapa tahun sahaja. Bagaimana situasi dahulu sebelum syarikat swasta seperti THE dan QS menerbitkan penarafan mereka?

Harus diakui bahawa universiti-universiti sedunia dulu juga ditarafkan, iaitu secara tidak formal dan berdasarkan kriteria yang amat bermasalah. Misalnya, pada zaman kolonial dan mungkin sampai akhir-akhir ini, banyak profesor di Eropah atau di Amerika Syarikat dan Australia kurang mengakui mutu universiti-universiti di luar Barat secara umum.

Saya sendiri termasuk orang yang diminta pandangan oleh THE dan QS dalam penarafan universiti-universiti sedunia, dan saya seperti semua profesor lain yang ditanya, diminta untuk memberi persepsi subjektif saya. Kebetulan saya sedikit tahu tentang sistem universiti di Malaysia, kerana saya telah berkhidmat di Universiti Sains Malaysia selama dua setengah tahun sebagai Profesor Madya dan seterusnya Profesor.

Namun, bagaimana dengan profesor asing lain yang pandangannya masuk ke penarafan THE dan QS? Apakah mereka memang tahu bahawa Universiti Malaya, umpamanya institusi yang berbeza dari Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia?

Di luar negara, istilah "Malaya" dan "Malaysia" sampai sekarang sering dicampur-aduk!

Jelas, penarafan universiti-universiti sedunia berdasarkan kriteria yang jelas dan rasional akan merupakan kemajuan kalau faktor-faktor stereotaip dan prasangka dapat diatasi. Ini membawa kepada pertanyaan, apa sebenarnya faedah penarafan universiti sedunia?

Untuk negara seperti Malaysia yang ingin menarik banyak pelajar asing, jawapannya jelas: Kedudukan yang tinggi dalam penarafan universiti sedunia berfungsi sebagai maklumat kepada pelajar asing bahawa universiti di Malaysia dapat dipercayai, walaupun umur daripada banyak universiti di Malaysia belum begitu panjang kalau dibandingkan dengan universiti-universiti lama di Eropah.

Dari segi itu, penarafan boleh membantu universiti muda dan negara berkembang dalam usaha mereka untuk menarik pelajar asing. Ini dapat menjadi faktor ekonomi dalam persaingan dengan negara industri yang lama.

Walau bagaimanapun, erti dan faedah sebenar penarafan universiti sedunia akan tetap amat terbatas. Hal ini kerana aktiviti penarafan tidak mungkin mengukur semua kegiatan akademik di semua universiti sedunia secara rasional, jelas dan sah.

Bidang penyelidikan dan penerbitan sahaja amat kompleks - dan amat berbeza umpamanya antara sains dan ilmu kemanusiaan. Begitu juga dari aspek bahasa. Misalnya, apakah kita semua harus mengabaikan penerbitan dalam bahasa ibunda kita masing-masing, hanya kerana dalam penarafan universiti sedunia hanya terbitan dalam bahasa Inggeris? Tentu tidak! Bahasa Melayu, Perancis, Rusia, Arab, China, Jerman dan lain-lain mesti terus digunakan sebagai bahasa ilmiah.

Kalau perlu, yang patut dihapuskan adalah penarafan universiti sedunia, bukan bahasa ibunda kita masing-masing.

PENULIS ialah Pengerusi Jabatan Pengajian Asia Tenggara, Universiti Frankfurt, Jerman.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The University Registrar Role

The Registrar will:• Use exceptional leadership and supervisory skills to lead the Office of the University Registrar, both in its strategic direction and its complex and detailed daily operations.• Establish and maintain collaborative and effective working relationships with a diverse group of leaders across campus.• Apply exceptional communication skills, with the ability to explain complex concepts, ideas, and issues to a broad range of campus constituents.• Employ excellent analytical and organizational skills.• Possess a sophisticated understanding of the applications of technology to the functions of the Registrar’s Office. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Lead the Registrar’s Office in a rapidly growing and changing university and address the needs engendered by significant enrollment growth.• Manage successful, seamless term starts with a growing student population and the introduction of new programs (i.e. University College and General Education). • Ensure compliance with academic, regulatory, and accreditation policies and requirements. • Provide leadership, support and direction for the Registrar Management Team. • Oversee the efficient operation of the Registrar’s Office. • Collaborate with constituents to revise policies and procedures. • Provide guidance and advice regarding policies and procedures to appropriate campus governing committees such as the Academic Policies and Procedures Committee, the Faculty Senate, the University Advising Council, and others whenever necessary.• Work with faculty and administrators to align academic programs with the strategic mission of the University. • Facilitate continuous assessment and improvement of the services of the Registrar’s Office.

Sample Job Description: University Registrar

Sample Job Description: University Registrar
FUNCTION: Provide leadership to plan, organize and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records.
Hire, supervise and evaluate the Records and Registration staff
Organize and administer the records, registration and graduation functions, including transcript evaluations, Health Professions admissions and the IAI certification process in order to provide maximum service to students while ensuring efficient and effective workflow.
Participate and serve as part of the Student Services Team. Lead initiatives as determined by the Dean.
Supervise the coordination, evaluation and certification of all graduation applications, while overseeing the complete graduation process to include all elements of the rehearsal and ceremony.
Responsible for collecting, recording, maintaining and reporting of student records within FERPA guidelines, e.g., grades, registration data, transcripts, mid-term verification, athletic eligibility and ICCB audits and other associated audits
Provide leadership and develop appropriate recommendations for the implementation of related technology application in support of enhanced services offered through Registration and Records
Develop and administer the departmental budget
Problem solve the research, analysis and resolution of student disputes as they relate to records and registration
Collaborate with administrators, deans, faculty, IT and counselors to facilitate and improve services to students, including catalog and registration/records policy questions.
Administer the collective bargaining agreement for the support staff contract.
Serve as ex-officio member of Curriculum Committee
This job description is not intended to be all inclusive and the employee will also perform other reasonably related duties as assigned by the Dean.
Participate in professional development activities and serve on college committees that support the goals and objectives of the division of the college
Provide back-up for records and registration services, including registering students, issuing transcripts, answering phones, scanning, reporting grades and working special events
Masters degree in student services, educational administration or a related area.
Proven record of successful supervisory experience in a people-oriented environment
3 years of direct experience or 5 years in a related area. Preferred 5 years of direct experience in a community college
Demonstrated understanding of the application of technology to deliver Records and Registration services.
A proven record in working successfully with diverse populations
A positive attitude and ability to plan and adapt to change
Ability to collaborate effectively with college departments and cross-functional teams
Strong interpersonal, oral and written communication skills

Assistant Registrar Resposibality

Summary: Implements and exercises functional authority for planning, organization, control, integration, and completion of projects within area of assigned responsibility.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities: include the following. Other duties may be assigned.
Oversees the daily operations and maintenance of academic, student, and course schedule records.
Coordinates with University departments to ensure processes and systems are maintained, updated, and upgraded as necessary; provides access to university systems to key personnel; responsible for annual maintenance of academic history update guidelines and registration/enrollment guidelines.
Monitors graduation processes and accuracy of graduation list; participates in commencement ceremonies.
Promotes organization polices and procedures in compliance with local, state, and federal rules and regulations; advises University personnel regarding the development and implementation of regulatory strategy, potential areas of regulatory concern, and new government/regulatory developments.
Implements directives corresponding to division or department outlining policy, program, or operational changes.
Ensures operational efficiency and economy of divisions or departments.
Assists in developing and implementing short and long-range plans, conceptual designs, and capital outlay (budget) requirements and documentation for assigned area(s).
Provides training policies, standards, guidelines, and security monitoring processes in relation to general control, privacy regulations, and development and operation of the University’s infrastructure.
Monitors the formulation and coordination of account specifications, requirements for monetary transactions, and associated documents; reviews and approves negotiated agreements for area(s) of assigned responsibility.
Reviews and approves documentation relating to needs specific to assigned area(s).
Reviews cost factors and estimates used in planning, organizing, and scheduling work, preparing bids, selecting vendors or subcontractors, and determining cost effectiveness.
Understands department’s role in accomplishing the University’s mission.
Compiles and submits reports as required by management, state, local, and federal regulatory agencies.
Acts as liaison between department and internal or external customers; participates in various committees, professional trainings, industry conferences, and conventions.
Complies with all State and University policies.
Supervisory Responsibilities:
Is responsible for the overall direction, coordination, and evaluation of these units. Carries out supervisory responsibilities in accordance with the organization's policies and applicable laws. Responsibilities include interviewing, hiring, and training employees; planning, assigning, and directing work; appraising performance; rewarding and disciplining employees; addressing complaints and resolving problems.

Career Story: Assistant Registrar At A University

Career Story: Assistant Registrar At A University
Assistant Registrar At A University
Job Title: Assistant Registrar
Type of Company: I work at a university
I program a system that helps students figure out if they are on track to complete their requirements for graduation. This includes their general university requirements as well as their major and minor requirements. Part of this process includes working with the major and minor departments to be sure I understand the requirements so that I can program them into the system and meeting with students who are having trouble meeting the requirements or who, upon graduation time, have failed to meet them and need to make alternate arrangements to complete them after their four years of college have passed.
A large part of my job is enforcing the university requirements, to the dismay of some students, but then trying to help them figure out what it will take for them to meet those requirements given their circumstances. I also spend much of my time dealing with technical problems in our computer system. So when people in my office or students have problems with the system, I help them troubleshoot the problem and resolve it. I also coordinate most of the academic elements of commencement such as completing of requirement for graduation, honors for degrees, granting degrees, ordering diplomas, making sure that diplomas get to students at commencement.
Best and Worst Parts of the Job: My job involves a lot of interaction with angry students, parents and faculty. You have to be prepared for that because it is difficult to deal with. Telling students that they will not graduate is also very difficult. I am often dealing with students in crises and who are having trouble handling their own circumstances. It is hard to talk them through productive ways to handle their situation.
When I'm not dealing with crises, I often get to spend my time working on the technical parts of the system like coding degree requirements or system set-up. That technical work is definitely the best part of the job.
Job Tips: 1. If you don't like working with students, don't take a job in the Registrar's Office.
2. If you don't have the patience for customer service, don't take a job in the Registrar's Office.
3. If you are interested in a real technical position, you probably won't find it in a Registrar's Office. You should look in an IT office

Role of Assistant Registrar

Assistant Registrar

General Accountability
The Assistant Registrar is directly accountable to the Registrar for the implementation and supervision of University and Faculty academic policies and procedures as these relate to applicants and students. In addition, the Assistant Registrar contributes to the general operation of the Office as a senior management team member.
Nature and Scope
The Registrar’s Office provides academic support services for a number of functions on behalf of the University. These include student recruitment, publications, undergraduate admissions, student course enrolment, academic records, examinations, grade reporting, transcript production, course and examination scheduling, student financial assistance programs and scholarships.
Normally, the Assistant Registrar manages the major registrarial services for two Faculties. Additional duties will reflect departmental and Faculty needs and may vary with the particular assignment. A major area of contact is with the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs for the Faculties, undergraduate academic advisors, and department and college undergraduate officers.
This position is one of eight positions reporting directly to the Registrar. The Associate Registrar, Records, The Director of Admissions, the Director, Marketing and Undergraduate Recruitment, The Director, Student Awards and Financial Aid, two other Faculty Assistant Registrars, and an Executive Assistant report directly to the Registrar.
Depending upon support requirements for the assigned Faculty(ies), the Assistant Registrar may be responsible for supervision of 2-7 staff members, including Supervisors, Admissions and Records and Admissions Records Assistants.
Statistical Data
Specific Accountabilities
The main responsibilities of the Assistant Registrar are in the area of admissions and records administration.
The prime function in admissions is to ensure the formulation, implementation and review of admissions policies as these relate to the assigned Faculty(ies). The policy formulation process entails close co-operation and consultation with the Associate Deans, Admissions Committees, Undergraduate Affairs Committees and with the Director of Admissions. The Assistant Registrar is responsible for interpreting these policies to faculty and staff within the University and the Colleges, and for ensuring that staff in the sections provide correct and complete information to members of the public, prospective applicants, representatives of secondary schools and other institutions. With regard to implementation, the Assistant Registrar is responsible for the planning, analysis, scheduling and direction of admissions activities to ensure that Faculty and University goals are achieved.
The Assistant Registrar is expected to contribute to the development, implementation and review of decision support and management support systems designed for his/her area. This includes input to the evaluation process for various applicant groups, preparation and analysis of statistical data for admissions committees. The Assistant Registrar may be responsible in some cases for preparation of admissions information packages for applicant groups in consultation with Faculty and University officers, and for accuracy of related calendar and promotional publications. Depending on the assigned Faculty, the Assistant Registrar may be empowered to make individual admissions decisions within policy guidelines.
The prime function of the Assistant Registrar in records-related matters is to ensure the proper collection, maintenance and communication of student academic record and performance data. This entails ensuring that Faculty Committee decisions on student academic standings are made consistently and reflected accurately in official documents. The Assistant Registrar is expected to ensure that Faculty policies are interpreted correctly and precisely in the design and implementation of progression and academic advisement systems. This process involves extensive consultation with Faculty officers, the SISP functional lead for progression and advisement and with management and technical staff in Information Systems and Technology.
The Assistant Registrar provides detailed input to the design, testing and implementation of a wide range of systems supporting functions from class enrolment to convocation. These are designed to assure the accuracy of basic data for the production of study lists, fee assessments, transcripts and graduation diplomas. Student records are the basis for much institutional planning data for University management as well as for external use, including University operating grant claims.
In the conduct of the foregoing duties and responsibilities the Assistant Registrar provides a counselling function for applicants, students or parents. This role is supplementary or complementary to that provided by Faculty and Departmental officers in assisting students with the complexities of the academic process. The Assistant Registrar is the Registrar’s delegate on Faculty Admissions, Standings & Promotions, Undergraduate Affairs Committees and Faculty Councils for the assigned Faculty(ies). In some cases, the incumbent will chair a standing committee.
The Assistant Registrar is responsible for recruiting, developing and evaluating staff who report directly.
The Assistant Registrar assists the Registrar with the overall management of the Registrar’s Office including convocation and examinations and such general and specific duties as may from time to time be determined.