setiap ibubapa mahu anak2 mereka mendapat pendidikan yg terbaik utk anak2 mereka tak kiralah samaada belajar di dalam negara ataupun luar negara.segalanya memerlukan belanja yg besar.dan kebanyakannya diluar lingkungan kemampuan ibubapa.
utk mula melangkah masuk ke universiti pun sudah mula menggunakan belanja yg kasar,bagaimana pula dgn kos sepanjang bertahun-tahun anak2 ketika berada di universiti tersebut.bagaimana pula jika menyambung pengajian samaada didalam atau luar negara.
Berikut adalah perbelanjaan yang perlu disediakan jika ingin menyambung pengajian ke peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda (rujukan 2009):
Bagaimana, adakah anda mampu? Jika jawapan anda adalah YA, mari kita beralih ke waktu 15 tahun yang akan datang di mana anak anda yang kini berusia 3 tahun akan melangkah masuk ke alam universiti. Untuk pengiraan kali ini saya ingin menjemput seorang tetamu istimewa untuk menyertai kita, saya mempersilakan encik INFLASI untuk naik ke pentas! Untuk makluman anda semua, tugas utama encik INFLASI adalah meningkatkan kos perbelanjaan pendidikan sebanyak 5% setahun. Ini kerana adalah mustahil semua universiti yang disenaraikan di atas akan mengekalkan yuran pengajian mereka setiap tahun, tidak dapat tidak pihak universiti perlu meningkatkan yuran pengajian lantaran peningkatan kos pengurusan, penambahbaikan, dan lain-lain. Apa akan terjadi jika kos pendidikan meningkat sebanyak 5% setahun sepanjang 15 tahun? Sila lihat ini:
jika jumlah yuran pengajian di atas sudah memeningkan kepala anda, apa akan jadi jika saya nyatakan pula jumlah perbelanjaan untuk sara hidup, penginapan, pengangkutan dan keperluan-keperluan lain? Anda mungkin akan tergamam dan hati anda akan lebih berbelah-bagi untuk mengizinkan anak-anak menyambung pengajian. Jangan begitu...setiap masalah ada penyelesaiannya, dengan syarat anda bermula dari awal.
Begini, andaikan tahun 2009 saya mempunyai 2 orang anak yang masing-masing berumur 3 dan 5 tahun. Saya akan menunjukkan bagaimana saya menyediakan dana/simpanan pendidikan supaya apabila tiba masanya nanti (tahun 2024) saya mampu menyediakan pendidikan berkualiti untuk mereka di Universiti Industri Selangor (IPTS). Terdapat dua cara:
Jumlah perbelanjaan untuk yuran pengajian untuk anak-anak saya adalah RM 122,500 (RM 61,250 x 2). Jadi saya melaburkan wang sebanyak RM 30,000 dalam dana unit amanah yang dijangka akan memberi pulangan sekitar 11% setahun. Saya melabur hanya sekali dan tidak pernah menambah pelaburan atau mengeluarkannya. Jadi apabila tiba masanya pada tahun 2024 saya akan memperolehi RM 143,400!!! Ini sudah melebihi jumlah yang saya perlukan untuk yuran pengajian mereka, menarik bukan?
Jumlah perbelanjaan untuk yuran pengajian untuk anak-anak saya adalah RM 122,500 (RM 61,250 x 2). Lantaran saya tidak memiliki wang yang banyak saya hanya mampu menabung sebanyak RM 360 setiap bulan dalam dana unit amanah yang dijangka akan memberi pulangan sekitar 9% setahun. Saya menabung setiap bulan tanpa henti dan saya juga tidak pernah mengeluarkan wang tersebut. Akhirnya saya akan menerima pulangan sebanyak RM 150,000 untuk digunakan sebagai perbelanjaan yuran pengajian anak-anak saya apabila mereka memasuki universiti pada tahun 2024. tak payah saya pinjam ptptn.
Ketika kita menghantar anak-anak ke sekolah, kita selalu berpesan supaya mereka belajar bersungguh-sungguh dan mendapatkan keputusan yang cemerlang. Apabila mereka berjaya mendapatkan keputusan yang cemerlang dan menerima tawaran melanjutkan pengajian ke universiti, adakah kita mahu menghampakan harapan mereka?
Ingatlah, pinjaman PTPTN atau MARA belum tentu mampu membantu. Ini adalah kerana PTPTN dijangka akan mengalami defisit sebanyak RM 48 bilion pada tahun 2020 yang mana akan menyebabkan tiada lagi pinjaman akan diberikan. MARA juga dijangka akan mengalami nasib yang sama kerana keengganan peminjam-peminjam melunaskan hutang mereka.
tunggu apa lagi hubungi saya skrg utk memulakan langkah pertama anda.demi anak2 yg tersayang.
As jobs become scarce, work experience and on-the-job training have become the "new" criteria for employers seeking suitable candidates. These are informal and unofficial requirements but have created a Catch-22 situation for many.
Without work experience or training, the chances of landing a job are slim, but with no opportunity to get a job or participate in a training scheme, there can be no experience. Besides, there are only so many places open for work experience these days and there is an expanding student population that needs work experience placements. Meritocracy aside, having no work experience can be a barrier for most job-seekers.
Gone are the days when work experience was regarded as part of on-the-job training arranged by employers so that one could fit the job one was hired for. In the training of healthcare, engineering and legal personnel, work experience is mandated in an organised manner and known by various names, for example, well accredited and supervised. There are structured mechanisms through which one can acquire the necessary experience for the purposes intended, including employability.
The same cannot be said of the other professions despite many employers insisting on "tailor-made" graduates. Unless they too come up with a structured programme for work experience that can be tailor-made, it would not be fair to insist on it. What's more, today's work experience placements are largely unpaid or poorly. While some kind of mandatory requirements are fast emerging, there are no regulations, so there is no transparency.
What this means is, as Burnham alluded to, the talent of millions of students will go untapped. "It remains possible for children from poorer backgrounds to climb high. But it is harder for them if, unlike their more privileged peers, they have never seen the inside of a barrister's chambers or PR agency or newspaper," he said.
In the meantime, many are said to be turning to vocational training as an option to get work experience and apprenticeship. They prefer to learn and earn rather than be deprived of a meaningful job or be cheated of one because the system is not well organised. One could become a cheap pair of hands.
As Malaysia is now trying to reconceptualise its vocational and technical education system as part of the integrated talent build-up under the New Economic Model (NEM) and the Economic Transformation Programme, the points that have been raised by Burnham deserve a deeper discourse. Many countries, not only developed but also developing like Brazil, have moved in the right direction. But none of their methods can be superimposed on another without taking the local idiosyncrasies into account.
The aim, nevertheless, is to convince employers to put their money where their mouth is if they want tailor-made employees — much like the professionals who are trained and accredited. And the best way is to work closely with vocational and technical institutions with the involvement of universities.
Universiti Sains Malaysia is currently working on such a scheme in partnership with the Northern Corridor Implementation Agency (NCIA) and Deloitte Malaysia. The Human Capital Development Initiative, or better known as the Regional Talent Repository, is aimed at narrowing the mismatch between the supply of and demand for talent, using the electrical and electronics industry as a template.
The scheme will consider how best to build awareness of the relevance of work experience and where to seek it, and match talent with the right employer. The need for this is mentioned in the concluding part of the NEM: "Employers should have a greater say in the vocational and skills-training curriculum. It is essential that a cluster approach be adopted to take advantage of the scale economies and proximity to the industry, for example, the Human Capital Development Initiative of USM-NCIA-Deloitte."
This is a bottom-up effort that should be supported so that it becomes a part of the existing employment ecosystem. It can, in fact, boost Talent Corporation's efforts — at the sectoral level — to move away from the current silo structure that serves individual needs. There is a long way to go, but the scheme is a good starting point to make employability a more equitable opportunity by providing work experience all around.
But the industry must get its act together as well.
There are no Key Performance Indices (KPI) for "intangibles". We need to consider another acronym: KIP -- Key Intangible Performance, which does not anchor in numbers and percentages, but rather values, ethics and quality of being.
Still, given Malaysia's education landscape, examinations can do wonders to change behaviours.
Without the spectre of tests, there is no guarantee that the allotted period is not swapped for another examination subject. After all, our successes are measured almost entirely by examination results and performances. So is our reward system.
In other words, with no exams, History will quickly remain history. But others have argued that even with exams, the behaviour change will be transient.
Once the test is over, all will go back to normal! The cases of Civics and Moral Studies have been used as examples.
How should History be taught? Some eminent scholars and historians say that History should be dealt with "holistically".
Here, I would like to share the experience of my son who decided to study Spanish in Mexico upon graduating from a university in the United Kingdom.
He is still in Mexico, immersed in the culture, history and heritage of the Republic.
He is very much a Malaysian but enjoys "being a Mexican".
He was in Malaysia in September for Hari Raya Aidil Fitri but rushed back to celebrate the 200th year of Mexican Independence.
His introduction to Mexico is illuminating and instructive indeed.
He learns Spanish not only in the context of conventional grammar classes but also Mexican history, culture and heritage dating back to the early years of Mesoamerican civilisation.
The lessons embody elements of inherent patriotism through deep understanding of the interactions of history, culture and heritage infused over time.
The context and nuances strengthen the foundation and significance of history upon which the rest are built, gradually supported by the language.
He visited museums with well-preserved artefacts all over Mexico. He went to many heritage sites of the days of the Aztecs and various cultural centres where visitors observe and even take part in some of the traditional rituals and dances.
There are exams, of course, including that of the Mexican dances, but it is not about regurgitation for the sake of achieving an "A" or remaining oblivious to the subtleties of what Mexico is all about.
In his first two months in Mexico, he went to Taxco to sample the lifestyle and integrate with the locals.
This indirectly forced him to immerse himself in the culture and language of the local community. Only after such an experience did he return to the Autonomous National University of Mexico.
Almost every city in the Republic exudes cultural awareness. Metro stations are designated as focal exhibition centres to acquaint the public of aspects of history-cultural consciousness.
Every metro station represents a timeline of history, from the birth of the 1917 Constitution to notable presidents including Aztec emperors.
Streets after streets take the name of national heroes such as Benito Juarez or Miguel Hidalgo.
Artists, poets, muralists and authors are also given the same respect and recognition for enriching Mexican culture.
They can be likened to free and endless outdoor museums for all to learn and reflect so that Mexican history remains alive all the time.
Mexicans stand proud buttressed by a deep appreciation of their historical past rooted in one common single language which is spoken and cherished by all.
While they proudly acknowledge their indigenousness, they remain a community of mestizos.
This is where Malaysia deviates from the Mexican daily experience of multicultural mestizos reaching a matured level of unity without having to worry about being unpatriotic.
Malaysia is still thematically centred on food and festivities. We withdraw into the comforts of our ethnic cocoons, shutting out the historical-cultural-heritage significance surrounding us.
Come Christmas and the New Year, we superficially sample Malaysian multiculturalism yet again.
So perhaps in seeking out a holistic approach to History, Mexico could be a country to learn from!
It has perfected the art of achieving 1Mexico by harnessing the KIP-intangible dimensions of language, history, culture and heritage holistically.
• The writer is vice chancellor of Universiti Sains Malaysia
Blogger merupakan anak kelahiran Banting, Selangor ini mendapat pendidikan awal di Sekolah Kebangsaan Lepar Hilir 2. Kemudian melanjutkan pelajaran ke Sekolah Menengah Al Ihsan Kuantan, Pahang, Sekolah Menengah Chenor, Temerloh, Pahang dan Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Shah, Klang, Selangor. Kemudian beliau melanjutkan pelajaran ke Universiti Utara Malaysia dalam bidang Pengurusan Awam diperingkat Ijazah Pertama.
Selepas tamat pengajian dalam Ijazah pertama beliau menjawat sebagai Penjawat Awam di Kolej Universiti Sains dan Teknologi Malaysia (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Tahun 2007) pada tahun 2001 sebagai Pegawai Tadbir (N1)(Penolong Pendaftar). Kini beliau masih berkhidmat di universiti tersebut dan menjawat jawatan sebagai Pegawai Tadbir (N44)(Penolong Pendaftar Kanan) di Pejabat Dekan, Hal Ehwal Penyelidikan dan Inovasi. Pengalaman beliau selama berkhidmat di UMT ialah di Bahagian Pengurusan Penyelidikan. Pada 1 Jan 2009 beliau berkhidmat di Sekolah Siswazah UMT. Beliau juga pernah dilantik sebagai Pegawai Pelapor Parlimen pada tahun 2007. Selain itu juga beliau pernah di lantik sebagai Penceramah Kursus Induksi Umum pada tahun 2005. Beliau juga pernah menjadi Pegawai Pengiring Penyelidik UMT ke Pertandingan Rekacipta Penyelidikan di peringkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsa anataranya Geneva, Switzerland, Soel, Korea Selatan dan Pittsburgh, Amarika Syarikat. Pada tahun 2005, 2006 dan 2007 pihak Universiti Malaysia Terengganu telah menganugerahkan kepada beliau Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang.
The Leader will be a person with the management skills to coordinate the activities of the Team, and to assure that the Team remains faithful to the objectives of the incoming President. Richard V. Allen